Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Platform, The Work of the Future

The work of the Future:

The Platform and The Surface

THE PLATFORM, (copyright 2010 Trademark Pending)

is a Blood Sorcery and Necromancy Laboratory - in a loosely hung version of what a laboratory can be. It is a space, an assemblage of usable components in the areas of physics, metallurgy, electric current, Tesla research, and most importantly working with magnets (The Surface) as these materials apply to Blood Sorcery. The Platform is a large room, slightly below ground level, with an iron floor. The Surface is a standable floor area and raised area comprised of magnets of extraordinary strength.

The human body, within the Sacred Elixir (blood) contains enough iron to make a nail. We are, by that qualification, part of the magnetic equation as magnets are by definition - that which is attracted to iron. Exploring this phenomenon from the physics perspective of Blood Sorcery is the main focus of my research at The Platform.

How does The Platform research pertain to Necromancy?

THE PLATFORM is set against the back wall of a large cemetery. Necromancy will be explored via this opportunity. Necromancy will be approached from an enhanced position, allowing for the variables to alternate between electric impulse study and usage of iron and magnetic enhancement. Through this exploration the focus will be four fold. First and foremost the desired outcome is to enhance communication between the living and disincarnate individuals in the general sense of frequency and clarity.

The second focus is to create an environment of shared experiences in so much as a group of living individuals can communicate at the same time with a particular disincarnate, in the desire that this shared communication will yield additional information and clarity through similar shared experiences.

The third focus is to create an environment in which the communication with and from the disincarnate can be documented via accumulation of audio and visual collected data.

The fourth focus, and perhaps the one that I personally find to be the most intriguing, is to establish a method by which the disincarnate can freely leave communications for the living at any time via a number of permanently opened channels through caught image and audio, writing or the manipulation of letter tiles and other objects. The Platform is a laboratory for the living and the dead.

Additional Explorations

What of Sigils, candles, linen wraps, burials and the other more familiar components of Blood Sorcery? What if the concept of magnetism was infused into the work through these objects? Would the outcome be the ability to be sure of an absolute attachment of the work and intention to the intended individual? An exploration of mummification and the relationship between physical remains and persistent forms of identity specific energies will be an intrinsic part of the research at The Platform through usage of multiple energy sources based on the focal point of The Surface.

This is the work of the Science of Blood Sorcery, and that which we will begin to explore at THE PLATFORM.

Participants visiting The Platform are expected to bring their own comfort bedding, as sleeping arrangements will be what I refer to as "part of the whole - sharing a large open indoor space and finding your place within it to rest. There are dogs at THE PLATFORM, so if you are sensitive to the canine element, please take necessary precautions. Aside from groups gathering to work on a specific project, visitors to The Platform will not be notified of the identity of other individuals who may be present as The Platform and the use of The Surface is allowed at the discretion of their creator, the Sorceress Cagliastro, The Necromancer

THE PLATFORM is a creation of The Sorceress Cagliastro. All of the work that which occurs within the walls of THE PLATFORM are protected under the copyright of THE PLATFORM and THE SURFACE which are owned by the Sorceress Cagliastro.

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